스위스의 아방가르드적인 건축가 안드레아스 폴거씨가 서울 디자인 올림픽에 참석차 서울에 오게 되었습니다. 이번 서울 방문을 통해서 우리 연구원의 박사는 물론 한국의 신진 건축가, 관련 분야의 실무자 등 건축관련 다양한 전문가들과의 만남을 통해서 서로의 아이디어를 공유하고 향후에도 지속적인 네트워크를 갖고자 합니다.

바쁘신 와중에서도 시간을 내주시어 안드레아스 폴거씨와 좋은 아야기 함께 나누어 주셨으면 감사하겠습니다.
또한 주변에 아는 분들에게도 이야기 해주면 더욱 더 감사드리겠습니다. ^^

자세한 사항은 아래에 첨부파일과 함께 적어 두었습니다.

- 아 래 -


장소: 서울시정개발연구원 중회의실 209호
일시: 10월 12일 오전11시
발표자: 안드레아스 폴거
발표내용: Genius Loci in the Space-Age

담당자: 서울시정개발연구원 부연구위원 민현석 (02-2149-1057)

Our line of architectural and design thinking goes along the line of using modern technology to find a new integration of human development with nature. Regarding ouir current ecological footprint, this appraoch is especially needed in urban environment, from large to small scale.

I may also say, that in the international context, our education as architects in Switzerland and Italy does not make the strong division between 'architecture' and 'urban design' as in other countries.

Since we work as architects in very different fields like space, aerospace, transportation design etc, we can integrate know-how from these different fields into new design projects, which are based on a understanding of the Earth as a spaceship, where the flow of resources needs to integrate with the activity of the crew.

One project which may exemplify that, is our AirTree project:

This project started from the understanding of how valuable the resource air is and how badly we treat it especially in cities. Taking our KNowledge in Advanced Life Support System for Space, which are based on plant, we came up with this idea of an 'artificial' tree sculpture for urban environments, which is cleaning the air using solar and wind energy and plants like in a micro-greenhouse. It creates a place for people with clean air, in a effectively 'extreme' environment of the cities. A 'Genius Loci' based on resources, a 'genius loci of the space age' as we call it.

For the lecture we can follow this line of the 'Genius Loci of the Space-Age' and exemplify with some of our projects, how the understanding of the environment and the human needs is shaping these buildings and how we should take care of the beauty of our cities as a cradle of human culture and invention.

The AirTree had a very good response in Chicago and San Francisco. However, it is still a project and we are looking for research, industral and financial partners to develop it. We could well imagine, that the importance of design the city of Seoul is proclaiming and the prospect of the World Exhibition 2012, it could be an exemplary project for the integration of nature and technology in future urban environments. We also have other ideas into this direction. It would be great these could become Korean projects!
